Soul Remembrance

1 : 1 Channeled

Quantum Healing Session

Access the wisdom and guidance of your Higher Self and walk upon your highest timeline, fulfilling your Soul’s Mission & Destiny.

These channeled sessions/ quantum journeys are co-created with a High Council of my Higher Selves, 9D Arcturians, Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, and other Families of Light here to support you on your journey of ascension, remembrance, and embodiment of the deeper truth of who you, shifting into higher vibrations.

These powerful quantum journeys will take us into the Quantum together. My team and I will work with you via Light Language and Cosmic Surgery to clear, de-code, and harmonize outdated programs (fear, separation, suffering, scarcity, not enough etc.), disempowering beliefs, stagnated energies, trapped emotions, imprints, and quantum technologies that no longer serve you, your life, mission and your highest path.

We will also support you in connecting with your Higher Self so you receive guidance, coding, and upgrades to unify even more with the Divine within you and come into alignment with the authentic and highest expression of yourself, accessing the wisdom and gifts of your soul.

We will support you in returning to your original and organic soul blueprint, so you can be and create all you came here to be, anchoring your unique light on this beautiful planet.


  • Light Language Activation & Light Infusions

  • Chakra System Harmonization and Activation

  • Channeled Intuitive Guidance

  • Quantum Energy Healing

  • Quantum Technology Download

  • De-coding, Clearing, and Harmonization of Outdated Templates and Programs within your Conscious and Subconscious that no longer serve you

  • Deeper Connection with your Soul Essence

  • Optional recording of the session

This is a journey deep into the essence of You, activating and embodying even more of your Soul Essence and Light.

Depending on the session, your intention, and guidance from your Soul, we might work with inner child healing, ancestral line or past life healing, chakra alignments, DNA repair and activations, cellular upgrades, cosmic remembrance, soul retrieval, connection to your guides and Families of Light, purpose and soul mission activation, embodying more of your soul light and essence, and more.

These sessions offer potent healing, transformation, and recalibration. Sessions are done via Zoom and are approximately 90 minutes.

Let us support you so you can enjoy this human journey even more, love your life, honor and celebrate your humanity while embodying your Divinity.

Let the remembrance and embodiment of who you truly are, your soul light, be effortless.

DISCLAIMER: Soul Remembrance Sessions do not intend to diagnose, treat or cure any medical disease or condition. I am not a doctor or a therapist. I will advise you to see a specialist if something shows up that might be a cause for concern. Use your discernment and follow your intuition to guide you if you feel the need to seek professional medical advice.


Not sure where to start? Book a free, 30-Min Connection Call with Margaryta